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Is Your Product Description Good Enough?

A lot of businesses severely invest in ensuring their websites are ideally optimized. They hire the best SEO (search engine optimization) personnel but pay very little attention to the product description. Research suggests that more than 80% of buyers value product descriptions. Customers are also known to return purchased goods since the information provided online did not match the products they received.

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A common mistake that eCommerce businesses make is that they write product content for the search engine to attain higher rankings. When in reality, they should be writing a detailed description for actual people. It is necessary to understand this point as it leads to a business achieving its annual sales target seamlessly. Otherwise, you may not be able to attract and retain as many clients as a competent company does.

Product description relates to the content that tells the prospective buyers about the items sold by your business. It states all the details about a product, explaining its usage and benefits. The product description is what attracts a customer to do more research while possibly placing an order. Making this description additionally compelling is how a business converts the leads generated due to various marketing strategies. Answering the following questions while crafting the product description proves increasingly helpful;

  • How does it satisfy the customers’ demands?
  • Which problems can be solved by the product?
  • Why is it better than the products of another brand, company, or business?
  • State any unique selling points, if any.

It is important to write a product description as if you are interacting with the prospects in reality. Make the reader feel like they are having a conversation with one of your business representatives. Adding straightforward and dull sentences will only bore the potential buyer, driving them away to your competitor.

There are a few simple steps to writing a good product description that will bring in buyers effectively. Let’s begin discussing them in detail.

Identify & Write For Your Target Audience

This requires you to do thorough market research to learn everything about your target audience. Experts suggest writing the product description while putting yourself in the place of the buyers. What would you want to know about the product before finalizing a purchase? Imagine how you would sell a product if the customer were standing in front. Use the same words with adequate context while writing a product description for your eCommerce website as you would if the selling process was done in person.

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Do Not Overpraise Your Product

How many times have you read a product description before purchasing something online and switched to another website because the seller has labeled it as ‘the best item in the market?’ It throws off potential buyers when they read such phrases in the product description. You need to think like a prospective customer. The buyer will be alerted when you say your product is one of a kind or something like that. No seller ever considers their product to be bad, so avoid writing such sentences. In addition to this, do not talk like a tech genius or show arrogance as it confuses the buyers. Be specific while mentioning important details about your product, and explain everything in a precise manner.

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Explain The Advantages Of Each Feature

Here’s the thing, it is very easy to get carried away and mention all the specifications as well as features while writing a product description. However, that is not what your target audience wants. Buyers wish to learn about your products, but they are more interested in knowing the advantages of each characteristic. How will it make their day better? What can it do for them? I’ll let you in on another trick that comes in handy when executed properly. You can compare your products with others but do it secretively. For instance, use words like now and even to form phrases that compare substitutes as a whole without being too direct.

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Justify Your Claims

Earlier, you were told not to overpraise your product. However, if you want to do it, then justify why it is the best item available in the market. Clearly state what makes your product unique and how it adds a higher value to the consumers’ lives. You can also add quotes from the existing customers to show what they thought of the product after using it. Giving proof is the key. It is vital to prove why your product is better and you are good to go.

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Refrain From Using Too Many Or Long Paragraphs

A long paragraph does not look too appealing to a busy reader. A lot of people avoid reading product descriptions that have a lot of paragraphs because they simply find it boring. Use of bullet points coupled with catchy headlines, like ‘Here’s why this conditioner is a helpful addition to your self-care routine,’ proves helpful. The problem with long sentences is that people lose focus very easily, forcing them to reread twice or thrice to understand fully. If you lose a buyer halfway through a product description, the chances of them returning to your eCommerce website begin to decline drastically. Write in a manner that lets the readers skim and scan without difficulty.

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Provide Verifiable Proof

When buyers are unsure of a product, they begin to look at what others are saying about it. Hence, adding product ratings to the description comes in handy. You can also use bars to represent the level of a certain feature, showing how well a product serves the consumer. For instance, you can add a durability bar and set it to the highest if your product is an electronic tool. All of this simply boosts the appearance of your product description page and makes it easier for potential buyers to arrive at a useable conclusion.

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Track Progress To Know If Your Product Description Is Working

Keeping up-to-date records regarding the result of a strategy is essential. Many businesses fail to track progress, thinking it is an expensive endeavor. However, knowing if new changes are paying off or not is necessary for growth. The product description is meant to secure buyers. You can use multiple types of information sources like conversion rate, cart abandonment, search rankings, etc., to see if newly implemented strategies are proving worthwhile. This is a crucial step to ensuring your eCommerce business is on the right track.

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Final Words

Did you learn anything valuable? The product description is one of the many ways an eCommerce business communicates with its target audience. Following the guidelines given above is how you can ensure that the number of converted leads falls somewhere close to the amount of traffic on your website. It is pretty simple, do not bore the prospects with irrelevant information and too many details. Make refreshing phrases, talk to the point, and tell them what’s required by putting yourself in their place.

Oct 7,2021

Posted By Admin

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